Friday, February 22, 2013

Week 2

I talked to Mr. Tison, my mentor, and asked him his opinion on my idea of doing something to go sing to terminally ill children.

"Singing for terminally ill children is a great idea! What you should do is go to regular businesses, tell them your cause, and ask them to sponsor you. Ask them to pay $0.50 to a $1 for every child you sing to with a cap of $50 (or some combination of numbers). This could be a good way for you to learn how to plan an event, get sponsorships, and help children."

And this is exactly what I'm going to do. I'm so excited to get things started!

I already have a few people lined up to help me arrange the music! And I've already started working on a few arrangements myself. This music is going to be awesome, and I can't wait to see the smiles on the kids faces when we walk into their rooms!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Week 1

What am I doing?

Well I have a few ideas for what I'm going to do for my DIY project, but nothing is concrete at the moment. My idea is to do something for a children's hospital. Depending on what would be more beneficial, I want to either put on a showcase to raise money for a specific cause or get some people together to sing for children. Like the picture says, "...because kids can't fight cancer alone."

In order to do this, I need to do certain things. I have to get in touch with hospitals and figure out what they think would be most beneficial for the kids. I also need to talk to my mentor, Mr. Tison, to ask him what he thinks as well. I am going to be arranging uplifting songs because we are going to be singing to kids at some point.

Some of the songs I'm thinking of arranging include Let it Grow, from the Lorax, You've got a Friend in Me, from Toy Story, You'll be in my Heart, from Tarzan, and many others. I really want this to be an event that the kids will remember and enjoy!

I can't wait to get started planning the event and writing the music!